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Why 'Cab Sav'? It is complex and smooth like a good Aussie Red and is very hardy!
Hardiness Extremely hardy, ‘Cab Sav’ will thrive in zone 7A and further south. In colder zones, with some protection, trees are surviving down to zone 6B.
Getting Started This Southern Euc is an attractive juvenile tree that grows to a magnificent tall and full specimen in a very short time.
Size The tallest of the Southern Eucs, all grown up ‘Cab Sav’ could reach well over 50 feet in height. Great for screens and can be pruned as a tall hedge or screen.
Leaf Abundant, spade-shaped, fragrant soft blue leaves are a must in any arrangement!
Trunk & Bark Trunk is straight and uniform. Even in young trees, the bark is smooth throughout and white to burgundy to red-brown with pink to salmon patches.
Flower Small groups of white flowers. Highly sought after for honey production.
Exposure Full sun. Very tolerant of drought and wind exposed sites.
Soil Type All types.
Container Plant? Abundant and fragrant leaves make it a great choice for a deck, porch, or patio. Cut stems are excellent for use in indoor dried flower arrangements.
What we learned in Southern Euc Trials In Marietta, GA (zone 7B) a 10 month old Eucalyptus tree had minimal leaf damage after a winter where temps reached 4° F. In Western, NC (zone 6B) 10 month old trees - that froze to the ground at minus 10° F regrew vigorously from the base.
WHERE TO BUY? 'Cab Sav' and all the other Cold Hardy Southern Euc selections can be purchased online exclusively at with free delivery to your front door!
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