Top 10 Best Uses for Eucalyptus Leaves

Posted on September 04, 2015 by Ed Coughlin


I have an abundance of foliage from Eucalyptus trees now that some in the trials have reached 20’ in just three years. And it seems like the faster I cut, the faster the foliage grows back. So I’ve been trying some different things around the house to utilize the natural fragrance and beauty of the leaves. Full disclosure here, I have not tried 6, 8, or 9.

  1. Arrangements and potpourri. OK, those are givens!
  2. Boil in water and breathe in vapor to clear up congestion.
  3. Hide in sports bags and athletic shoes to make them bearable.
  4. Attach to shower head to infuse water with fragrance.
  5. Attach to ceiling fan for never-ending fresh breeze.
  6. Mix with baking soda and sprinkle on carpets to revitalize.
  7. Hide under car seat for the next best thing to that “new car smell”.
  8. Use for holiday wreaths.
  9. Put under furniture to keep roaches away.
  10. Slip beneath dog bedding to help repel fleas and ticks.


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